Category: The O.G. Stories, 1994-1997

Back when the Internet was young, and all the blogging was email lists, and a friend was a friend and a pound was a pound

The Bears

How he knew it was the weekend for the grayling to spawn I’ll never know. He just did, in that older cousin way, wise to the world of fish, and the lakes, and the mountains, that stands him in good stead even today as he guides the tourists through the Scapegoat and Bob Marshall. He said it was spawning time…

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The War Against the MouseBastards(tm)

Ever since I moved into this building, there’s always been a mouse or two. Usually, they show up in the Fall, when the weather turns cold. The ritual has been the same for years. First I catch a glimpse of the mouse, scurrying around a corner, then I get out the trusty trap, bait it with a hunk of sharp…

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Cinco de Mayo

“Comportarse, y no hablar grocerias”. Behave yourself, and do not curse. The little sign above the counter at Taqueria Las Americas always makes me smile. “Este es un lugar familiar”. It is a nice family place, at that. This night there were little Mexican flags hanging from the sign, and prominently displayed all over the taqueria, in honor of Cinco…

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Fishin’ with Greg

As long as I had worked with Linda, her sometimes ex-husband Greg had been bugging me to go fishing with him. I have no idea why he kept asking me, maybe some convoluted jealousy thing about a guy who worked day in and day out with his sometimes ex-wife, or maybe he just wanted to pump me for the latest…

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Professor T’s Genetic Test Dates

Warning! This story was written a long time ago when people were not quite so prickly about every little thing. It may contain passages that could offend some delicate PC sensibilities of today. If that’s you, do not read this story. Fair warning. If you do read it anyhow and get all huffy, don’t come whining to me.   )))))))))))))…

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Chicago Christmas, 1994

“Ya got any BAGS? BIG bags! I’ll buy ’em right now!” The dirty street-looking person who was, apparently, in the market for bags, had slammed open the door to the Taqueria las Americas just moments before, and shoved his way to the front of the line. The member of the Rodriquez family behind the counter, in whose face the dirty…

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North American Dog Wrestling (The Winter Games)

The Forest Preserves around Chicago attract dogs. More properly, I should say, the Forest Preserves attract dog owners. Dog owners eager to give faithful Rover a taste of The Wild, dog owners who want to let Rover run, and dog owners too lazy to follow Good Dog Owner Etiquette. The good folks down at Forest Preserve Central know this, and…

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White Socks

We were really looking forward to St. Patrick’s Day in London. I mean, in America everyone’s Irish on St. Pat’s Day, right? In Chicago they dye the river green and have a big parade, and our little gang always used to get together and go over to Houlihan’s and get plastered, no matter what night of the week the holiday…

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The Huntin’ Boys

Ever since my grandfather built the cabin. it’s been traditon to keep a journal. First in my grandfather’s hand: – Fall of ’48, “The Raymond, and I came hunting and we all got skunked. No snow and no game.” – Oct. 29, 1949, “Hunted Byron’s Ranch trails from 1st Crossing. No luck.” – October, ’53, “The big Fall hunt score.…

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The Two Stage Aquatic Live Payload Events

Disney World, Sea World, Bargain World, Credit World. Orlando is not content being just a Town. MGM and Universal Studios, Gatorland, Wet `n Wild, especially Wet `n Wild, the Peabody Hotel, and any restaurant near it. Orlando wants your money. I refused, mostly. I went to the Kennedy Space Center instead. You just head east from Orlando and turn left…

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