My Cheesy Home Page
Yes, it isn’t much now, but then again, it isn’t ever likely to be.
(much the same since 1996)
My Numerous and Diverse Interests
Horse Racing
Music |
VariousCheese & Cheesecake
Welcome, Internet friends, to my cheesy home page, the 142nd cheesiest site on the ‘Net! . . . Thrill to the tales of the McChump Racing Tour, a cheesy alternate view of the racetracks of our land. . . . Chill to the tragic tale of Mick(e)y Waller, the glassblowing incident, and the residual scabbing. . . . Meet some of the Philosophers of Cheese, of which there are only six in the known universe. . . Launch off on a tour of some of the cheesiest sites on the web . . . And lose yourself in the tres cheesy world of Xena, a mighty warrior princess battling the forces of the evil Swiss, a people so bitter they punch holes in their cheese . . . Welcome, welcome, welcome.