
My Cheesy Home Page


Yes, it isn’t much now, but then again, it isn’t ever likely to be.
(much the same since 1996)

My Numerous and Diverse Interests

Horse Racing

McChump Racing Tour
German Brown (.jpg)


New Duncan Imperials
UnderCover (Stones)
SFJ #110

Mr Peanut doing a little dance
A ferocious fire burning Mr. Peanut's feet

Mr Peanut doing a little dance
A ferocious fire burning Mr. Peanut's feet

The PhC’s
Mr. Skippy
to the eternal
he so richly


White Sox

Cheese & Cheesecake

Cheese racing
The Cheltenham Cheese Roll
Xena, Warrior Princess
Anna Nicole Smith

Welcome, Internet friends, to my cheesy home page, the 142nd cheesiest site on the ‘Net! . . . Thrill to the tales of the McChump Racing Tour, a cheesy alternate view of the racetracks of our land. . . . Chill to the tragic tale of Mick(e)y Waller, the glassblowing incident, and the residual scabbing. . . . Meet some of the Philosophers of Cheese, of which there are only six in the known universe. . . Launch off on a tour of some of the cheesiest sites on the web . . . And lose yourself in the tres cheesy world of Xena, a mighty warrior princess battling the forces of the evil Swiss, a people so bitter they punch holes in their cheese . . . Welcome, welcome, welcome.